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Regular Meeting of April 25, 2012 at 7:30 pm
Shared Meeting Room #3, Municipal Center,
3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT

Commissioners Present:  Peters,  Boily, Pieragostini, Hammar, Curran .

Staff Present:  Steve Maguire, Wetlands Enforcement Official, Ann Mazur, Clerk.

Commissioner Peters convened the meeting at 7:28 pm.  


IW #11-60, 11 Edmond Road, application by Advanced Fusion Systems (AFS), to lay gas pipeline  under Route 84 to provide gas to an existing manufacturing building.  Mr. William Joyce, 12 Shepard Hill Road, Newtown, CT., owner of AFS, presented new plans. He noted that horizontal drilling will be done under Route 84 and under the stream as well so that the stream will not have to be interrupted. Work will be about 35 feet away from the stream, along Schoolhouse Hill Road, then follow the road down to Edmond Road. The crossing will be on the west side of Schoolhouse Hill Road. The trenching will be near the stream. Commissioner Peters asked if there is an Erosion and Sediment Control plan with the package. Mr. Joyce said that we have to do that for the Town and that this is noted on the plans.

Commissioner Pieragostini  moved to approve the application with standard conditions A, B, C, D ,and  

1) The approved plans are “Proposed Gas Main Plan prepared for Advanced Fusion Systems, Edmond Road, Newtown, Connecticut,” dated 2/24/12, revised 4/19/12, scale 1”=50’ with associated support documents.

2) Quarterly reports on forms provided on the Town of Newtown website or available in the Land Use office will be submitted to the Commission until the project is complete.

Second by Commissioner Curran and unanimously carried.

IW #12-15, Poverty Hollow Road, application by the Town of Newtown to replace an existing culvert. Town Engineer Ronald Bolmer  presented the application. The application is to replace the failing bridge with a box culvert. Mr. Bolmer said the project may take 2-3 months or longer. He wants to get this out to bid as soon as possible to complete the project during the construction season this year. The Town has applied to Aquarion for a license to use their land. The contractor selected must submit a diversion plan that would have to be approved by the Town.  

Commissioner Curran moved to approve the application with standard conditions A, B, C, D, and  
1) The approved plans are “Town of Newtown Poverty Hollow Road Bridge, Plan & Profile, Newtown, Connecticut,” dated 6/5/09, revised 1/05/10, scale “As Noted,” with associated support documents.

2) Quarterly reports on forms provided on the Town of Newtown website or available in the Land Use office will be submitted to the Commission until the project is complete. Those reports will include the diversion plan.

Second by Commissioner Boily and unanimously carried.

IW #12-16, 75 Algonquin Trail, application by Garrett Raymond to install a dock and two decks. Larry Miller of Smith Miller Reconstruction, 77 Osborne Hill Road, Sandy Hook, CT.  is returning with information requested by the commission.   The erosion and sediment controls on the site were updated. Commissioner Pieragostini asked if there is a planting plan for the steep slope on the site. Mr. Miller said that the owner will plant an additional three or four 4-5 foot hemlocks in that area, in addition to the plantings shown on the plan that he presented tonight. He will discuss with First Light erosion control for the 120 to 130 area. Commissioner Peters asked that the additional plantings be a part of a revised plan that Mr. Miller will bring back to the Commission after consulting with First Light. Mr. Miller suggested presenting a plan to the Commission, then presenting the approved plan to First Light. First Light has asked that two trees be removed but leave the root ball, that any vegetation at the 113 line be cut at the surface and the root structure left intact. Also First Light noted that when the lake is lowered in the winter the owner can pile rocks along the shoreline to maintain this. Commissioner Peters noted that plants placed there should be of a type that will thrive and she suggested Mr. Miller consult with a landscape architect to assist in the application. Two hundred feet back from the water is the area of concern to the Commission. Mr. Miller will check into the condition of the catch basins. Commissioner Curran noted that there is a lot of bare ground there and that a ground cover would help prevent erosion. Commissioner Peters noted that the planting plan should show what will be planted and where. The application will be tabled until the next meeting.

ACCEPTANCE OF NEW APPLICATIONS. There were no new applications.

Announcements.  Commissioner Curran noted that the Commission did not remind Mr. Miller that work is not to commence until the application is approved. Mr. Maguire will remind Mr. Miller.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES.  Commissioner  Curran   moved to approve the minutes of April 11, 2012 a presented. Second by Commissioner Boily  and unanimously approved with abstentions by Commissioners Hammar and Pieragostini.

ADJOURNMENT. Commissioner Curran   motioned to adjourn the meeting.  Commissioner  Hammar   seconded the motion.  The motion was approved and the meeting was adjourned at  8:15   pm.

Ann M. Mazur, Clerk Pro Tem